Please contact the appropriate business unit listed below. For general inquiries, questions or comments, or to request additional information, please email For all questions regarding careers, please email
is a full service global EPCI provider with operations in West Africa, South America and the Middle East. Submit a request for Dynamic to fulfill a specific project assignment or servicing need.
US Fabrication
provides totally integrated fabricated solutions to Offshore and Downstream clients globally. Submit a request for Dynamic to fulfill a specific project assignment or servicing need.
Dynamic Construction Services (DCS)
provides full service fabrication, construction, maintenance and specialty craft services to the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of the oil & gas and energy industries. Submit a request for DCS to fulfill a specific project assignment or servicing need.
LQT Industries
designs, manufactures, and refurbishes accommodation buildings, MCC buildings and also rents construction facilities, specialty equipment for oilfield, emergency response, and remote workforce applications. By striving to provide the highest quality products and services, LQT has become a leader in providing accommodations and equipment for the oil and gas industry worldwide. Submit a request for LQT to fulfill a specific project assignment or servicing need.